Mount Mud-Logging GC System
Our Rack Mount Mud-Logging GC system provides a continuous reading of total hydrocarbons in a gas stream while periodically performing a chroatographic separation to determine the exact composition of the sample gas stream. At a regulated pressure, the sample gas stream flows through the loop of the 10-port gas sampling valve, and also to the second FID detector, which continually monitors the total hydrocarbon content of the gas. Periodically, the gas sampling valve injects the cotents of its loop into the GC column, where it is separated into the constituent hydrocarbon peaks and detected by the first FID detector. The operator controls the timing of the valve injections through the built-in four channel PeakSimple data system. Solenoids for sample and standard stream switching are included, and are selectable through the data system. |
Preconfigured GC