Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 GC System

  • Separates multiple gases with a single injection
  • Tolerant of user adjustments and timing variations
  • Simpler than other multiple gas capable systems
  • TCD detector
  • molecular sieve 13X & silica gel packed columns
  • 10-port gas sampling valve and loop
  • 1 channel PeakSimple data system
    ...on the compact 8610C chassis

The SRI Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 GC System (MG#1) can separate multiple gases with a single injection. It is pre-plumbed and ready to resolve H2, O2, N2, methane, CO, ethane, CO2, ethylene, acetylene, propane, butanes, pentanes and C6, if desired. The MG#1 is tolerant of user adjustments and timing variations because it is simpler than other multi-gas capable systems. Unlike complicated and timing-critical gas analysis configurations with three or four columns and three or four valves, the MG#1 uses a single 10-port gas sampling valve and two packed columns: a 6 foot long molecular sieve 13X packed column, and a 6 foot long silica gel packed column.

The basic Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 is equipped with a TCD detector for detection limits in the 200 - 500 ppm range. The second option is a TCD-Methanizer-FID configuration, which provides 5 ppm detection limits for CO, CO2, and all hydrocarbons. The third option is a TCD-HID configuration for detection limits in the 10 ppm range for all analytes.

This chromatogram shows the separation of a 1% Gas Mix + 2% ethane sample on a basic, TCD-equipped MG#1.

This MG#1 version includes:
  • TCD detector
  • FID-methanizer
  • molecular sieve 13X & silica gel columns
  • temperature programmable column oven
  • 10-port gas sampling valve and loop
  • 6 channel USB 2.0 PeakSimple data system
  • on-column injector
The FID measures the C1-C6 hydrocarbons, plus CO and CO2, which are converted to methane by the methanizer in the FID jet.
The TCD measures hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, and other compounds whose concentrations are at least 200 - 500 ppm.

8610-0070 Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 with TCD detector and 1 channel PeakSimple data system
Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 with TCD, methanizer, FID, built-in "whisper quiet" air compressor, and 6 channel PeakSimple data system
8610-0072 Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 with TCD and HID detectors, and 6 channel PeakSimple data system
8610-0073 Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 with TCD, methanizer, FID, FID/FPD, 60 meter capillary column, built-in "whisper quiet" air compressor, and 6 channel PeakSimple data system
(VOLTAGE: for 220VAC, use "8610-0070-2" (add "-2" to part number))
Options & Upgrades: additional gas sampling valve, additional detectors, additional columns

Multiple Gas Analyzer #1 GC System